
After Google News, YouTube overhauls platform to fight misinformation

Google’s YouTube on Monday said it was taking various measures to ensure the veracity of news on its platform. The world’s largest video sharing network is now intensifying its crackdown on misinformation and also extending support to news organisations. YouTube will be closely working with the Google News Initiative (GNI which was launched in March this year.YouTube in a blog post said it will make “authoritative” news sources more prominent, especially in the wake of breaking news events when misinformation can spread quickly.At such times, YouTube will begin showing users short text previews of news stories in video search results, as well as warnings that the stories can change. The goal is to counter the fake videos that can proliferate immediately after shootings, natural disasters and other major happenings.For example, YouTube search results prominently showed videos purporting to “prove” that mass shootings like the one that killed at least 59 in Las Vegas were fake, acted out by “crisis actors.”In these urgent cases, traditional video won’t do, since it takes time for news outlets to produce and verify high-quality clips. So YouTube aims to short-circuit the misinformation loop with text stories that can quickly provide more accurate information. Company executives announced the effort at YouTube’s New York offices


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